Friday, 8 July 2011

Splatter Painting a Wall

I had a very fulfilling day yesterday. My son and I did some splatter painting on his wall. It was a very fruitful experience and we had fun. Let me share with you what we did.
First of all you need to cover the walls that you don't need to splatter paint on as this is a very messy one. So prepare the other walls by covering it with old newspapers and a masking tape. Cover the floors too with old newspapers and plastics. Wear old clothes that you don't use as paint might get into them.
So, what are the things that you need.
Paint ( desired color) , in our case we used dark blue color for cement walls.I only bought a pint.
Ballons ( small size)
Thumb Tacks
Air Pump
Masking Tape

1. Prepare the sides of the walls that will not be painted by covering it with newspaper and masking tape. Cover the floor thoroughly so as not to have paint on the floor.
2. Put paint inside the balloon using a funnel.
3. Add air into the balloon with paint using the air pump. Then immediately tie the loose end of the balloon with a knot.
4. Put a small pin on a wall using a double sided tape but with the end of the pin which is sharp facing you.
5. Throw the balloon to the pin and it will burst and create a splatter on the wall.
6. Repeat above procedure and until the wall is fully splattered.

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